Women's COnference     I    MARCH 14TH - 15TH

Lindale ChurcH  I   Cost: $40

YOU are invited for a weekend filled with experiencing God through an amazing speaker, worship, laughter, and tons of fun! 



  6PM - Registration & Check-in  

7PM - Worship & 

Message by Sharon Fridge


9:30 AM - Registration & Refreshments  

10AM - Worship & 

Message by Sharon Fridge

12PM - Lunch

1PM - Wrap up with Pastor Jana



Sharon Fridge is an Ordained Assemblies of God minister, Certified Life Coach and Co-Pastor of Conroe First along with her husband Ernest.  Sharon ministers across the nation and overseas at Conventions, Retreats, Conferences, Marriage Seminars and Church Services.  has appeared as a guest on Daystar Television Network and has been a keynote Speaker at the Assemblies of God National Women in Ministry Conference.   She does extensive work fighting human trafficking and is passionate about helping women walk in freedom. 

Sharon delivers a message that encourages the listener to live a life empowered by the Holy Spirit.   In her own life, Sharon has experienced this incredible power through the healing of their special needs son and the journey God has taken her and her family.  Her message reminds us that God didn’t just create us, He wants to get to know us, transform us, equip us and use us for His purpose and for His glory.  Sharon’s passion is to see people hungry and desperate for a more intimate relationship with God.  


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Please be sure to note "Women's Conference" in the notes. 

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